Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Elijah!

Elijah is 2 years old!!!! Despite us nearing the end of this pregnancy, we managed to pull together a little get together with some of his friends. The weather was so beautiful, so we had outside water fun and ice cream cake! It was a wonderful time and Elijah loved playing with friends and playing with all the balloons (for days after the party too).

Elijah with his friends, Kate and Richard Genoble

Elijah's Aunt Carol was so sweet to stop by to say Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you :)

Opening his present from Mommy and Daddy. A Thomas the Train Lights and Sound big wheels! Choo choo!!!!!

Elijah doing a Boogie Monster dance in his Boogie Monster legs, a gift from the Hanners Family

It's PETE THE CAT and his shoes! Thank you Aunt Carol!

Balloon fun. Matt got these all tangled up for Elijah so he could attack them and roll around with them on the floor. Then, we realized to could throw a soft blanket over them and bounce even more while attacking them! So much fun and they've lasted a week now!
Thank you to everyone who came by and made this day really special for our beautiful 2 year old boy.