Monday, August 12, 2013


Elijah flew on a PLANE!!!!! And who was flying every plane Elijah spotted out the windows? JUJU!!!!! It was hysterical listening to Elijah shouting Juju as he ran up and down the terminal pointing at all the planes on the tarmac.

So why were we at the airport? That's right, we took a family trip to.....Austin, Texas! It was Noah's first flight and Elijah's, um, well he's flown a lot. This was the first time Elijah understood that we were on a plane high up in the sky. I think he was pretty nervous on the first leg en route to Texas, but by the time we flew home a week later, he was calm and cool the entire time.

Grandma and Elijah enjoying the local park

That's a happy big brother

Grandpa getting some time with Noah

Pony ride at Kiddie Acres, a local amusement park for children under 10yrs of age. Elijah really enjoyed himself and wore Grandma and Papa down. 

Kiddie Acres train ride!

Grandma with her boys in their custom West Point #34 t-shirts

Our impromptu family photo

Elijah even gave us a good laugh as he stunned us with his ability to do the "Dougie". Who knew Sara Elise had taught him so many useful skills!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Let's Catch Up

As it happens, we celebrated the arrival of our second son, Noah Grayson, on June 19th, 2013 at 3:47pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 6.4oz (over a pound larger than his big brother Elijah). The labor lasted 8hrs (compared to 28hrs with Elijah) and he is a super happy little man!

Noah at 1 day old
Elijah came to visit us in the hospital and although he was somewhat standoffish at first, he quickly warmed up once we came home. He calls Noah "Bebe" and loves to greet him with "Hey Bebe". It sounds almost like a pickup line, but it's just so cute. Elijah also loves giving brother kisses and helping. He'll come up to Noah and say, "POOOOP, I help". I do love my big helper and I feel like the age difference is perfect. 

After a day or so, Nonna flew down for a very helpful visit. She made taking care of two children look like a vacation! I was overwhelmingly grateful for her assistance while I was beginning my recovery. 

The day Nonna departed, we celebrated the arrival of Uncle Juju!!!! Elijah was so excited and he definitely enjoyed the special attention. 

Playing with stickers together. Elijah insisted on wearing his Boogie Monster leggings much of the time. 

A game we're not terribly fond of, but Elijah had a blast! They took turns getting stuck under the car yelling, "OUCH"

Uncle Juju in a very small box

Finally a picture of the two of them sitting...harder to capture than you think

Pool time!!!!!!
The day Uncle Juju flew out, Bill and Donna arrived. It was awesome to have a consistent flow of family visiting for the first two weeks. I am so grateful everyone was able to make it and help so much with the boys. 

My beautiful Mother-in-law enjoying snuggle time with Noah

Elijah was feeling extra needy, with two pacifiers in his mouth

In the middle of family visiting, we managed to squeeze in a newborn family photo session. Enjoy. 

We all enjoyed some reading in Noah's nursery

My sweet little sleepy man

My boys...I love saying that

So sweet together

Noah deep in thought

A sweet, beautiful face

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Family of Three

Prior to the arrival of baby #2, we decided it would be nice to have some family photos taken. We found a wonderful photographer in Florence names Tracy Wright and she turned utter chaos into something we will cherish for years to come.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Elijah!

Elijah is 2 years old!!!! Despite us nearing the end of this pregnancy, we managed to pull together a little get together with some of his friends. The weather was so beautiful, so we had outside water fun and ice cream cake! It was a wonderful time and Elijah loved playing with friends and playing with all the balloons (for days after the party too).

Elijah with his friends, Kate and Richard Genoble

Elijah's Aunt Carol was so sweet to stop by to say Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you :)

Opening his present from Mommy and Daddy. A Thomas the Train Lights and Sound big wheels! Choo choo!!!!!

Elijah doing a Boogie Monster dance in his Boogie Monster legs, a gift from the Hanners Family

It's PETE THE CAT and his shoes! Thank you Aunt Carol!

Balloon fun. Matt got these all tangled up for Elijah so he could attack them and roll around with them on the floor. Then, we realized to could throw a soft blanket over them and bounce even more while attacking them! So much fun and they've lasted a week now!
Thank you to everyone who came by and made this day really special for our beautiful 2 year old boy. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sara Elise Graduates!

Sara Elise Spinazzola has been Elijah's first and favorite babysitter this past year. We met her very shortly after we moved to Florence. She started out as our babysitter, but quickly became part of the family as she and her mother helped to keep Elijah after I returned to work this past fall.

Today, Sara Elise graduated high school and we're thrilled for her and a little sad too. We were invited to the party and were so excited to be able to attend. It was extra exciting for Elijah, since he was going into Carol and Sara Elise withdrawal.

Elijah quickly familiarized himself with the guests, many of which were high school girls that he has met over the last year with Sara Elise and he became the adorable little guy of the party. It was so sweet seeing all the girls gush over him....he is pretty handsome. He loves being at the Spinazzola house so much, what with his favorite ladies, Lucy the dog, their cat, a fish and fun stuff to do!

Sara Elise, Elijah and Aunt Carol (Elijah's stand-in-mom). Aunt Carol was also Elijah's teacher at All Saint PMO this past year. He's really going to miss her so much next year as he moves into the next class.  
Our little photographer


Mommy, 37.5 weeks prego

Elijah flirting with everyone
It was wonderful getting to congratulate Sara Elise and give her our best wishes for this new chapter in her life. Although we'll see her throughout the summer, we're so sad to know that we won't be able to see her everyday.