Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Georgetown, SC Vacation

It seems that I somehow missed the entire month of April, but maybe Matt has pictures to recap the fun. In May, we went on a family vacation to Georgetown, SC, about 2hrs from our home. My mom flew in a day early to help with packing the car and entertaining Elijah on the ride down. The next day, Uncle Juju, Trink, my dad, his eldest sister, Karen, and Matt all joined at various times. It was a really wonderful and enjoyable week at the "Debi-doo".

Baby brother being utilized as an armrest. We're 34 weeks and counting down. 

My modest baby-bump-suit. My Aunt Karen and I were deep in discussion about the woes of pregnancy. She carried twins!

Aunt Karen and my Daddy. She helped raise and mold my father into the man he is today, though her stories were quite enlightening :) She was an absolute joy to be around and we all wished she could have stayed longer than 2 days. 

Our handsome little wild man

Dinner date

Fun in historic Georgetown

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Uncle Juju digging a very deep hole on the beach. 

And....Elijah. In the 3 foot deep hole!

Aunt Trinka stuck in the hole. At least that was more entertaining for Elijah. 

Hmmm....the similarities are uncanny.