Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This morning, I decided I was going to really surprise mom! We were sitting on the floor playing together after breakfast, like we always do, and I was playing with a toy up on the chair. Mom was only a few feet away, so I decided I would finally just save myself a little time and figure out this walking thing. Yeah, I could have done it some time ago, but I've been holding out for the right moment.

So as Mom was sitting there quietly watching me, I turned and walked right over to her. SHE WAS STUNNED! Hahahaha. Thinking maybe it was a fluke, she put me a few feet away to see if I would do it again and you know what, I DID! Yeah, I'm definitely awesome. I feel bad that Daddy wasn't here, but because I love him so much, I did it a few times for him once he came home.

I'm gearing up for next week when we move into our new house. Nonna is going to be here on Wednesday and I don't want her to be bored :) Then a few days later, Grandma and Grandpa will be here! Almost all of my favorite people, here to see me! I can't wait to show off for all of them!